MP4 to WMA

Convert MP4 to WMA and other video formats to audio online, free

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MP4 is one of the most compatible video file formats. You can upload MP4 files to YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites. You can also play MP4 files with Windows Media Player, VLC, QuickTime, iPhone, iPad, Android, and almost all media players.

MP4 files are popular because they can be viewed almost anywhere, and even with high-quality video, the file sizes remain relatively small, making them easy to share. MP4 is short for 'MPEG4', and is a format that normally contains video and audio, but can also be used to store images and subtitles.


WMA files are mainly used for streaming music on the web. But they can also be used for storing voice recordings or sound effects. The benefit of WMA files is their high quality audio compared to rivaling formats like MP3. Since it is developed by Microsoft, it can only be opened on Windows devices.

Opening WMA files on Mac or Linux requires downloading third-party media players, or conversion to a different format. It's worth noting that WMA has a number of sub-formats; like WMA Pro which typically stores high-resolution audio; WMA Voice, which is used for streaming voice recordings; and WMA Lossless, which compresses the file without reducing its quality.

How to Convert MP4 to WMA:

Select a file format

Click on the first box and select MP4 as the file format then click on the box next to it and select WMA.

Upload and convert

Click on ‘Choose File’ and select your MP4 file from your folders. You can also drag and drop the file into the box. Click on ‘Convert File’.

Download file

Click on the Download button and your WMA will be saved to your device in a matter of seconds.


‘Convert MP4 to WMA’ Tutorial


More than an MP4 to WMA converter

VEED can do so much more than just convert your MP4 files to WMA or other audio formats. Apart from being a video-audio converter, VEED is an easy-to-use and powerful video editing software that gives you all the tools you need to create stunning videos. Try our video editor today and start creating stunning videos without downloading anything or spending a dime.

Choose MP4 File
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